7 Hidden Causes of Plantar Fasciitis

Runners and non runners alike will likely have heard of this condition. Plantar fasciitis (PF) is a common affliction in runners between 35-55 years of age. It presents as pain or burning in the foot and heel, and can be especially bad for those first few steps in the morning. It can be very limiting to […]

Food Nutrition: We Are What We Eat?

The world of food nutrition and dietary science is one that is full of contradiction and misinformation. Here is a guideline we work with to help our patients make better food choices. It can be daunting at first when we first begin questioning our modern food culture.

Respiratory Complaints

Osteopathy focuses on treating patients through a unique philosophy of understanding what makes people unwell. It places a strong emphasis on the interconnectedness of the various systems of our body and how this determines our health. Health is not static but is a minute to minute, day to day dynamic expression of a well functioning […]

What You Can Do To Combat Stress

Get rid of the toxic effects of stress with meditation Who does not have stress? You may have big stresses like job or relationship or health related or minor daily stresses like reaching somewhere on time, meeting deadlines or disciplining your kids. Whether your issues are big or small, stress has a cumulative and negative […]

Having Gremlins in Your Head?

You may have a headache every day or you may have an occasional headache. A headache is annoying, painful, reduces concentration and interferes with all your activities. It also makes you short-tempered and affects you in many physical and physiological ways. While you may pop a pill to deal with the headache, it is important […]

Breast Feed to Better Health

If you think that breast feeding your baby is good for you and your baby, you are not wrong. You bond with your baby; feeding helps you lose weight and gives protection to the baby from many diseases like allergies, gastrointestinal complaints; it also contributes to better neurological development. Feeding your baby is helpful to […]

Could pelvic floor exercises be worsening your continence?

Pelvic floor dysfunction is prevalent among women and it is not just an issue related to the older population. It is common in young women too. This is partly because some women don’t even know they’re experiencing pelvic floor dysfunction, like my friend who gets up to go to the bathroom five times a night. […]


It’s important to be physically active and avoid injuries at the same time. This is especially important for a “weekend warrior”. If you are sedentary or your job forces you to sit at a desk for most of the day, it’s extremely important to plan ahead in order to avoid exercise-related injuries. After all, the […]


1) Pain, stiffness, or aching in the achilles when first starting exercise that eases off after you’ve warmed up. 2) Pain, stiffness, or aching in the achilles after exercise when you’ve cooled down. 3) Pain, stiffness, or aching in the achilles for the first few steps in the morning.


Running is addictive, there’s nothing like the buzz that you get from putting one foot in front of the other for miles and miles, it feels great. But is pounding the streets the best way to improve your running?

What does being healthy mean to you?

Do you command yourself to breath 15-20 times a minute? Do you command you skin to repair when it is cut? Do you action your stomach to churn your food? Do you ask your intestines to absorb nutrients? Do you ask your immune system to make antibodies? The human body is a complex organism yet […]