Food Nutrition: We Are What We Eat?

The world of food nutrition and dietary science is one that is full of contradiction and misinformation.

Here is a guideline we work with to help our patients make better food choices.

It can be daunting at first when we first begin questioning our modern food culture.

What coinstitutes healthy foods and how and what we should eat?

A simple way to start looking at our foods is simply:

  • Eat whole foods. Unpeeled. Unrefined.
  • Cut out processed foods.
  • Eat in diversity. Diverse in plant species.
  • Reduce or cut out sugar all together. See it as a mind altering drug and hormone.
  • Eat more plant material vs meat vs dairy
  • Question the benefits of dairy, soy and wheat based foods.

Modern food practices in post industrialisation have reduced a lot of our whole foods into a blend of artificial flavours and additives. It looks, feels and tastes like our original food items but often they lack the nutritional value of the actual food items they try to imitate. Some examples of “questionable” food items from your supermarket:

  • Cheese – especially the ones come in sheets for sandwiches.
  • Yoghurt
  • High fructose corn syrup – click to see a previous discussion about fructose
  • Butter spreads
  • Biscuits


Ted Talks

Below are some informative speakers at Ted Talk who eloquently talk about various issues in our food and their effects on our health. We’ll be updating more videos as we come across them.

There is a brief summary below the title.

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The Pleasure trap :-  Our bias for pleasure with the least pain and effort

Going on water for just 24 hours. Healthy food will taste better as taste buds become sensitised again. Give it a break so the taste buds can recover its sensitivity.

@ 10:55 Diet trap
@ 14:08 Taking fat, salt receptors offline in our palate for 3 days to re-sensitise them.


The food we were born to eat: John McDougall at TEDxFremont

People who are born eating starch – rice, corn potatoes and vegetables, little dairy, little meat are healthier without arthritis, diabetes etc.
Thin, hearty, strong and healthy looking.
Getting older doesn’t mean fat and sick.
Bulk population in history has lived on starches.


Food betrayal — don’t swallow the lies | Alan Lewis | TEDxBoulder

Warning: confronting images of mistreated animals.
Happy animals. Happy foods.
Have you wondered how truthful your food labels are?
6 companies alone control most of US Food Production
Meat has always been historically expensive, it takes a lot of resources to raise animals for food. Naturally, we have to pay more for it.


Debunking the paleo diet | Christina Warinner | TEDxOU

Carnivores can make Vit C because they don’t get it from their diet. We don’t so we get it from our botanics.
We have 5th molars to shred and grind plant material, longer digestive tracts to digest plant matter.
Do we understand the palaeolithic ecosystem? No grains?
Meat myth? Does the archeological evidence stack up to support the Paleo diet assertions?
There’s no one diet but diversity is key. A diet which is high in diversity in species.
We evolved to eat food in season and ripe, rich in nutrients.
We evolved to eat whole foods, their fibre and all the elements within our foods.
Modern diet short circuiting our calorie intake by packaging it into a small parcel.
34 oz Soda = 8.5 feet sugar cane. Can you imagine you eating it.
What we can learn from out Palaeolithic ancestors? What we find from analysing the remains of our palaeolithic and neolithic ancestors.