Respiratory Complaints

Osteopathy focuses on treating patients through a unique philosophy of understanding what makes people unwell. It places a strong emphasis on the interconnectedness of the various systems of our body and how this determines our health. Health is not static but is a minute to minute, day to day dynamic expression of a well functioning organism.

Osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) combines biomechanics, physiology, the craniosacral system and nerves, the fluid system, and the viscera to help the body’s structure to heal itself.

Osteopathy treatments do not involve drugs and focus on strengthening the patient’s whole body instead. Rather than relieving symptoms via different chemical substances, osteopathy takes the whole body into consideration and aims to treat the skeletal, lymphatic, circulatory, and nervous system so that the whole system can work in harmony.

Osteopathy was established by Dr. Andrew Taylor Still in the late 19th century USA. Dr. Still developed an effective range of drug-free, hands on treatment for a whole scope of health conditions and developed methods to use the musculoskeletal system in healing the entire body. Osteopathy focuses on enabling the body to function as a whole- mind, body, and spirit and allows all the various systems and body parts to complement each other and to establish a healthy natural order.

Additionally, they focus on prevention when it comes to someone’s lifestyle and environment, asserting that both can influence health.

Respiratory conditions and Osteopathy

Respiratory complaints such as colds, asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases are perfect examples. By not being able to breathe properly, the patient’s entire body suffers the consequences, as everything from blood circulation to rib functions will be compromised. This is why it is crucial to adopt a holistic approach to treating the conditons. By working on the soft tissues and manipulating the patient’s body, osteopathy helps regulate all the systems in the organism, thus enabling them to function properly. Osteopaths can help regulate respiratory systems and manipulate muscles and bones in the patient’s body until full recovery.

Osteopaths aim to restore normal biomechanical function of the chest, respiratory muscles and other skeletal structures, thus helping the patient to regain a normal state of breathing. These osteopathic procedures also stimulate the areas of the chest responsible for clearing the mucus of irritation that gathered up during the illness. It helps pump them out of the organism and hopes to reduce further negative consequences.

Osteopathy itself does not cure the disease state but works in a way that stimulates the body’s innate physiological and immune function. This helps the body re-establish to a state of health. It complements standard medical practices and thus lessening the time in recovery. 

At City Osteopath Integrated Health in Hong Kong, we manage respiratory conditions through a combination of osteopathy, massage and chinese medicine (herbal and acupuncture).