Could pelvic floor exercises be worsening your continence?

Pelvic floor dysfunction is prevalent among women and it is not just an issue related to the older population. It is common in young women too. This is partly because some women don’t even know they’re experiencing pelvic floor dysfunction, like my friend who gets up to go to the bathroom five times a night. […]

Food Nutrition: We Are What We Eat?

The world of food nutrition and dietary science is one that is full of contradiction and misinformation. Here is a guideline we work with to help our patients make better food choices. It can be daunting at first when we first begin questioning our modern food culture.

Breast Feed to Better Health

If you think that breast feeding your baby is good for you and your baby, you are not wrong. You bond with your baby; feeding helps you lose weight and gives protection to the baby from many diseases like allergies, gastrointestinal complaints; it also contributes to better neurological development. Feeding your baby is helpful to […]

You & Your Child's Health

It’s not easy being a mother running around looking after everybody and keeping everyone happy and healthy. On our Open day, we have a few workshops that we think can be useful for you to help looking after yourself and those who are in your care.

Acute injury and Treatment from Massage Therapy

Injured yourself and can not get in to see your osteopath or phyiotherapist? Being assessed and treated by a qualified therapeutic massage therapist, when the injury is acute can aid in the healing and recovery. An acute injury (24-72 hours after the traumatic event), as a result of an impact or trauma such as a […]

4 Ways To Help Loved-ones with Chronic Pain

Being young, fit and healthy it’s easy to forget that others live with chronic pain. It’s easy to go about your life, walking from place to place without feeling pain, participating in whatever activities please you. It usually isn’t until a healthy person has a debilitating, acute injury that they begin to understand the struggle […]