Food Nutrition: We Are What We Eat?
The world of food nutrition and dietary science is one that is full of contradiction and misinformation. Here is a guideline we work with to help our patients make better food choices. It can be daunting at first when we first begin questioning our modern food culture.
Breast Feed to Better Health
If you think that breast feeding your baby is good for you and your baby, you are not wrong. You bond with your baby; feeding helps you lose weight and gives protection to the baby from many diseases like allergies, gastrointestinal complaints; it also contributes to better neurological development. Feeding your baby is helpful to […]
Ruminations on Health and being Healthy
The human body is a complex organism yet its needs are simple. It is an efficient well designed engine of life which requires very little tinkering on our part majority of the time. It has the ability to self regulate, maintain and repair itself. As long as we provide it with a variety of nourishment, […]
Finding Mr(s) Right (the Bacterial kind)
Yes it’s another post on gut health! More and more research has been conducted on the importance of the human microbiome, essentially the study of the complex relationship between the bacteria in our gut and our health. The bacteria in our gut can affect the amount and type of vitamins being produced. They have the potential […]
What causes Beer Belly!?
An interesting video on why men get a beer gut. Our metabolism slows down after 35. If you are finding the belly getting unsightly, it’s time to be gentle to your liver!