What You Can Do To Combat Stress
Get rid of the toxic effects of stress with meditation Who does not have stress? You may have big stresses like job or relationship or health related or minor daily stresses like reaching somewhere on time, meeting deadlines or disciplining your kids. Whether your issues are big or small, stress has a cumulative and negative […]
Having Gremlins in Your Head?
You may have a headache every day or you may have an occasional headache. A headache is annoying, painful, reduces concentration and interferes with all your activities. It also makes you short-tempered and affects you in many physical and physiological ways. While you may pop a pill to deal with the headache, it is important […]
Ruminations on Health and being Healthy
The human body is a complex organism yet its needs are simple. It is an efficient well designed engine of life which requires very little tinkering on our part majority of the time. It has the ability to self regulate, maintain and repair itself. As long as we provide it with a variety of nourishment, […]
Sophrology Workshop 25 April 2105
Experience an introductory Sophrology workshop with Celine Pellarin on our Open Day. Sophrology enables you, by training your inner state of mind, to get better control of our life. It is about taking time for yourself and learning how to enhance your resilience to our daily stresses. Through simple exercises you learn how to […]
A 3 minute sophrology exercise to restore your energy
How about more concentration? More clarity? An increased work speed? Less tiredness? Enjoy a happier day? A very powerful way of achieving all mentioned above is to simply pause, experience it, and see the results for yourself. Here is a 3 step Sophrology exercise to help you pause and reconnect so you can get back […]
4 Ways To Help Loved-ones with Chronic Pain
Being young, fit and healthy it’s easy to forget that others live with chronic pain. It’s easy to go about your life, walking from place to place without feeling pain, participating in whatever activities please you. It usually isn’t until a healthy person has a debilitating, acute injury that they begin to understand the struggle […]