7 Hidden Causes of Plantar Fasciitis
Runners and non runners alike will likely have heard of this condition. Plantar fasciitis (PF) is a common affliction in runners between 35-55 years of age. It presents as pain or burning in the foot and heel, and can be especially bad for those first few steps in the morning. It can be very limiting to […]
What You Can Do To Combat Stress
Get rid of the toxic effects of stress with meditation Who does not have stress? You may have big stresses like job or relationship or health related or minor daily stresses like reaching somewhere on time, meeting deadlines or disciplining your kids. Whether your issues are big or small, stress has a cumulative and negative […]
Having Gremlins in Your Head?
You may have a headache every day or you may have an occasional headache. A headache is annoying, painful, reduces concentration and interferes with all your activities. It also makes you short-tempered and affects you in many physical and physiological ways. While you may pop a pill to deal with the headache, it is important […]
Back Pain In Children 細路肩頸背痛
Our recent article published in SuperPARENTS in Chinese with our Osteopath, Elaine Ward.
Top 3 Runner’s Injuries & Prevention
Running injuries usually occur when the in-built suspension mechanism of the lower limb has been compromised. Running itself relies on a complex interaction between many different joints of your body. To make it simpler, we will focus on just the lower limb. Just take a moment and guess the number of foot bones that are […]
Pilates: The Perfect Exercise for Office-Based Workers
Office-based workers very often describe aching in the neck, shoulders, jaw and back. We tailor our Pilates program to help address some of these issues.
Post Marathon Recovery
If you too have been running the marathon on Sunday, this week is the crucial time to pay some attention to your body and work on those aching joints and muscles to assist a speedy recovery. Do some gentle walking (or hobbling) This may feel counterintuitive but it is important to keep the sore […]