7 Hidden Causes of Plantar Fasciitis

Runners and non runners alike will likely have heard of this condition. Plantar fasciitis (PF) is a common affliction in runners between 35-55 years of age. It presents as pain or burning in the foot and heel, and can be especially bad for those first few steps in the morning. It can be very limiting to […]

An Alternative Approach to Running Training

Running is addictive, there’s nothing like the buzz that you get from putting one foot in front of the other for miles and miles, it feels great. But is this the best way to improve your running?   “Most runners aim to improve their running by running. They might vary their speed and distance and […]

Acute injury and Treatment from Massage Therapy

Injured yourself and can not get in to see your osteopath or phyiotherapist? Being assessed and treated by a qualified therapeutic massage therapist, when the injury is acute can aid in the healing and recovery. An acute injury (24-72 hours after the traumatic event), as a result of an impact or trauma such as a […]

Reconsider Glucosamine

Does your daily routine including taking a glucosamine supplement? Recent studies suggest you might be wasting your money. Glucosamine is an amino monosaccharide (sugar) made within the body and found in numerous tissues including the kidneys, liver and cartilage. It is a common diet supplement, widely used for osteoarthritis, joint pain and soft tissue injuries […]

Post Marathon Recovery

If you too have been running the marathon on Sunday, this week is the crucial time to pay some attention to your body and work on those aching joints and muscles to assist a speedy recovery.   Do some gentle walking (or hobbling) This may feel counterintuitive but it is important to keep the sore […]