4 Ways To Help Loved-ones with Chronic Pain

Being young, fit and healthy it’s easy to forget that others live with chronic pain. It’s easy to go about your life, walking from place to place without feeling pain, participating in whatever activities please you. It usually isn’t until a healthy person has a debilitating, acute injury that they begin to understand the struggle […]

Post Marathon Recovery

If you too have been running the marathon on Sunday, this week is the crucial time to pay some attention to your body and work on those aching joints and muscles to assist a speedy recovery.   Do some gentle walking (or hobbling) This may feel counterintuitive but it is important to keep the sore […]

Concussions in Child Athletes should be given adequate time to heal

Concussion in sports and traumatic injuries to the head can have serious repercussions on your child’s brain function and development if the injured brain tissues are not given adequate time to heal before return to play. A concussion is a brain injury and it is also important to note that it can occur without losing consciousness. A concussion may […]

What causes Beer Belly!?

An interesting video on why men get a beer gut. Our metabolism slows down after 35. If you are finding the belly getting unsightly, it’s time to be gentle to your liver!

Sophrology Workshop 25 April 2105

  Experience an introductory Sophrology workshop with Celine Pellarin on our Open Day. Sophrology enables you, by training your inner state of mind, to get better control of our life.  It is about taking time for yourself and learning how to enhance your resilience to our daily stresses. Through simple exercises you learn how to […]

Osteopathy 4 Kids: Growing Pains, Ergonomics and Stretching Workshop

Open Day Workshop 25 April 2015 Click Here to RSVP With 3 kids herself, Elaine knows full well the pressure of bringing up children in Hong Kong. Not only are the children scheduled to the max with all sorts of activities but as they get older, the amount they have to carry around in their school […]

Runner's Health Workshop

An Interactive Workshop on a simple 8 step Stretching routine to help prevent common running injuries. Homecare for some common sports injuries will also be discussed.